The wins in Texas over the weekend, were due in part to the work by Moms For Liberty.
Conservative Parents Sweep Texas School Board Elections on a Theme of Transparency, No Masks, and No CRT in the Classroom
QUOTE: Last Saturday, school board elections were held for four suburban Fort Worth, Texas, school districts. Candidates backed by a conservative parents' organization won all 10 seats they contested and unseated at least three incumbents.
Usually, school board elections are low-key affairs that draw scant interest. But ever since COVID, Critical Race Theory (CRT), and mainstreaming of sexual grooming in our classrooms brought the stupidity and cruelty of many school board members to public view, they have become a battleground. Once sane people saw the horror show that was the Loudoun County, Virginia, school board, they started paying attention.
This election, like the one last year, teaches several lessons. First, if normal parents organize, they are a formidable force. Too often, we parents are too caught up in our lives to pay much attention to school board candidates. If you care about your kids and the country, pay attention.
Second, the GOP has let the label of "nonpartisan" that is attached to school board elections prevent it from endorsing candidate slates. The cretins the left slips into school board slots can only do so because they aren't exposed.
Lastly, school board elections are critical if we are to preserve our republic.
New 24/7 Christian Channel - Family with Faith: Content You Can Trust!
Follow Family with Faith here: Welcome to Family with Faith: We understand the struggle to find media that aligns with your faith. In a world where most in Media and Arts & Entertainment don’t believe in God, we've stepped up to change the narrative. Family with Faith was launched in September 2024 with a vision to reclaim these critical areas of influence, offering content that families can trust and enjoy together.
If you are putting God first, you are part of the Remnant and his glory and power will flow through us. We need to make sure that we use this power and glory for love and avoid pride. #putgodfirst #remnant #avoidpride
5:15pm CST Start!
Who is this Jesus? WordNWorship! Feb 21, 2025
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