They came out of Egypt, but Egypt wasn't out of them
The people of Israel saw all the plagues in Egypt when Goshen where they lived not affected. They saw the Red Sea part and walked through on dry ground, they saw the Egyptian army drowned by the Red Sea. They even saw water come out of a Rock, and Manna come down from heaven, but they still let fear override their faith.
After the spies returned from Egypt, only Joshua and Kaleb believed they could overcome the giants. The other 10 spies were fearful and led the people astray. To the point where the people were going to stone Kaleb to death for just telling them to have faith and not sin. Let that not happen to us! God is faithful but we need in return to put our faith in him!
#godisfaithful #faithingod #faithful
New 24/7 Christian Channel - Family with Faith: Content You Can Trust!
Follow Family with Faith here: Welcome to Family with Faith: We understand the struggle to find media that aligns with your faith. In a world where most in Media and Arts & Entertainment don’t believe in God, we've stepped up to change the narrative. Family with Faith was launched in September 2024 with a vision to reclaim these critical areas of influence, offering content that families can trust and enjoy together.
If you are putting God first, you are part of the Remnant and his glory and power will flow through us. We need to make sure that we use this power and glory for love and avoid pride. #putgodfirst #remnant #avoidpride
5:15pm CST Start!
Who is this Jesus? WordNWorship! Feb 21, 2025
#biblestudy #prayer #worship #praise #christianpatriots #christians #patriots #wordnworship